Last week was pretty busy for us and it hasn't really slowed down this week. Zack was out of town for training for a few days so Luke and I laid low for a couple days then drove to see him because we missed him. It was quite a drive, not only was Zack 140 miles away, it decided to freaking dump snow on our way through the mountains, it was a really long drive, but Luke did great, he slept the whole time. I was so thankful because all of the pullouts had about 6 inches of snow.
The weather has been really crazy, it had been getting really nice and warm but all of a sudden, last week it started snowing every day! BLA! I am so tired of snow... We did get out and go for a walk, we were all going a little bit stir crazy, it was a little cold but nice to be out.
Luke has been going crazy with his new skills all of a sudden! He turns 4 months today and over the past couple weeks he has been reaching and grabbing his toys, his feet, and his daddy's beard. He is getting really into his books, I have read to him pretty much every day since we brought him home, but you can really tell that he is interested and paying attention to me talking and to the pictures and colors in the books. He also decided he was going to roll over yesterday! He pretty much hates tummy time but when I put him on his tummy he was pretty calm and just flipped over and every time I put him on his tummy since then he automatically turns over. I love watching his new skills, he is at such a fun age, I love watching him play and listening to him find his voice. I am so grateful I am able to stay home with him.
I just love my little stud!

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