NoseFrida Snotsucker:
Ok, this snotsucker is amazing! It is the Cadillac of nasal aspirators, so much better than the regular bulb syringes. I don't know if it's just my kid or all babies, but Lucas has really sticky boogers, (sorry.. too much?) but this thing works great clearing his little nose, I just put a couple drops of saline in each of his nostrils to loosen everything up and the snotsucker gets it all. It took me a minute to get past the fact that I was sucking boogers out of my kid's nose with my mouth, but there is no way you will end up with your child's snot in your mouth, there is a filter to catch everything.
Yoga Ball:
We use our yoga ball all the time, it is our go-to solution if Luke is crying and fussy and we have tried everything else. Zack or I will just bounce while holding Luke and it usually calms him right down.
Crane Drop Humidifier:
A humidifier is a necessity when you have a baby. I have always used one in my bedroom because is it so damn dry in Alaska in the winter. I bought this humidifier while I was still pregnant and it is the best one I have ever owned. This humidifier puts out a ton of moisture so you and your baby don't wake up with super dry noses and throats.
Graco FastAction Fold Jogging Stroller:
It is spring-ish in Alaska and having a winter baby has made me super stir crazy so I am so excited that it started to warm up so I can get out and go for walks and runs. I like this stroller because I can click Luke's car seat into it, he usually sleeps while we are out and about, Luke loves being outside, it soothes him. This stroller is really nice, as long as you are on pavement. I live on a dirt road and this stroller doesn't handle great on rough terrain but I can walk a short way and be on pavement and it is great. It folds up with one hand and fits easily in the back of my SUV.
Graco DuetConnect LX Swing+Bouncer:
Ok, so I never wanted a swing, I'm all about small baby gear, thats why we got a mamaroo, but Luke started liking it less and less, he would still sit in it, it just didn't keep him entertained for very long. One night Zack and I were visiting my mom and dad and Luke started to get really fussy. Our go to solution when we don't have any of our baby gear is to strap him into his car seat and swing him back and forth and he always calms down. My mom asked if we were going to buy a swing and I said no, we were going to use what we have, but my sweet parents bought one for us and Luke loves it. This swing has turned into Luke's bed, he sleeps in it every night, he falls asleep so fast and sleeps comfy and sound. The seat is nice and comfy and you can adjust the incline so baby can lay back or be sat up a little, the seat can also be removed and used as a bouncer, hooray for multipurpose baby products! The swing has 6 speeds, 10 songs and 5 nature sounds, we always play the waves sound because it makes mommy think of the beach.
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