After Luke turned one I wasn't planning on doing monthly updates, but I recently went back and read through some of the old updates I did when Luke was tiny and I loved them! There are already so many things that I have forgotten from those early months and I am so happy that I have them documented.
It seems like Luke has changed a ton since he turned one, he just acts so much older. He still just says "mama" and "dada" for the most part but I have noticed that he says what sounds like "no" and pushes the spoon away when he wants to be done eating. We have also been working on learning body parts, so far he can point to his belly, his lips, and we are working on his nose.
Over the past month, Luke has turned into a really picky eater, I'm not sure why, and I am having a really hard time coming up with things to feed him. It's weird because he started refusing things that he used to love. We really rely on our old standbys; bananas, oatmeal, fruit and veggie pouches, yogurt, any carbs, graham crackers, and goldfish. He loves to eat and will sit on the kitchen floor when I tell him it's snack time, pretty cute!
Over the past month, Luke has turned into a really picky eater, I'm not sure why, and I am having a really hard time coming up with things to feed him. It's weird because he started refusing things that he used to love. We really rely on our old standbys; bananas, oatmeal, fruit and veggie pouches, yogurt, any carbs, graham crackers, and goldfish. He loves to eat and will sit on the kitchen floor when I tell him it's snack time, pretty cute!

Some of Luke's favorite things to do:
-Give Rowdy hugs, and he can climb on the couch by himself now, so the dog is totally screwed.
-Bath time, so much splashing!
-Tractor rides with Papa.
-Dancing, kid can bust a serious move to Backstreet Boys radio.
-Being tickled, especially his feet, tummy, and armpits.
-Sharing his food with us and Rowdy, sometimes we get soggy bites, sometimes they are new, you never know!
-The vacuum, I don't know why, he always has. Now that he is walking I will give him the sweeper attachment and he will push it around while I vacuum and he thinks it's the greatest thing in the world.
-Play outside and watch Rowdy run around. When we ask him where Rowdy is, he will look around then point toward him, so smart!

One has been such a fun age, there are wonderful things about every age, but I think one is my favorite at the moment. We have been blessed with such a funny, energetic, happy boy. We just love watching his little personality develop!
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