
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Luke's 12 Month Update

What a crazy wonderful year!  Our Lucas Eli has brought us so much happiness.  It amazes me every day how much he has changed over the year.  Luke had his one year well child check-up on the 7th, he weighs 19 pounds 15 ounces and is 29 inches long, he has gained 13 pounds 10 ounces and grown 9.5 inches since he was born! He has 6 teeth and freaking runs everywhere.

Luke still isn't saying much, he's still sticking with mama and dada along with pretty much constant babbling.  Over the past month Luke has started dancing to music, all by himself, super cute!  He also randomly started hugging me and it is the best, he says "awe" and wraps his little arms around my neck.  So far I am the only one he will hug consistently but everyone is working on him.

One thing that I haven't really mentioned for a while is Luke's torticollis.  We honestly have not done much for it, a while back we quit trying to do the stretches because they completely stressed Luke out, he did not tolerate them well at all and I was just too worried about hurting him because he tensed up so much.  Instead of the stretches we take him to the chiropractor and the rolfer periodically and he does really well with both.  We also have my sister Haley, who is a massage therapist, do little mini massages on his neck every once in a while.  At his one year appointment our Dr. said his neck is looking pretty good and will continue to improve especially since he is such an active little boy.

Some of Luke's favorite things:
Going for tractor rides with his Papa
Story time at the library
Being outside
His little ride-on motorcycle

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