My boy is 10 months old!! Oh my gosh! He is so funny and keeps me laughing constantly. Month 10 has been a big month for Luke. He took his first steps, got his two top teeth, has been eating a lot of what we eat, and started sleeping through the night!

These photo shoots have turned into a complete rodeo! I told Zack he needs to record us one day because it is usually me holding him against the back of the chair then jumping back, rapid firing a bunch of pictures, then jumping back to catch Luke before he bails off the front of the chair. Lots of fun!
Luke decided it was time to start walking! He started out taking one or two steps and now he can take about 6! He looks so cute walking, he is still so small and it is hilarious watching him carry his toys around. Luke had been really fussy all of a sudden last week and I was starting to wonder if he was getting a little bit sick, thankfully he wasn't, but he did get his top two teeth! Teething is such a bummer, I feel so bad for my little guy when he goes through it.
I have tried really hard to give Luke a lot of what we eat lately, he loves feeding himself (and Rowdy) so it has been a lot of fun. Zack and I eat a lot of spicy food so I have to try to remember to cook a little bit more mild. I still get nervous feeding him some things sometimes, but he does really well.
And, probably the best thing that has happened this month... Luke is sleeping through the night! Up until about three weeks ago, Luke would play downstairs with us until about 8 when he started to get fussy and tired, then one of us (usually Zack) bounced with him on the yoga ball until he fell asleep then he would sleep in our arms until about 10 when we went to bed, he would wake up and I would nurse him and put him in his crib, but he would always be restless and be up and down 2-4 times a night. This was NOT working, nights were awful and none of us were getting a decent night of sleep. So finally, after a particularly horrible night, Zack and I decided we were going to let Luke cry it out. We gave him and bath and put him in his crib at 8, he cried for 35 minutes (while I watched him on the monitor crying) but then he slept all night long! Every night after that first one it has taken Luke 10 minutes or less to fall asleep and he sleeps all through the night. Another thing to add to the "why didn't we do this sooner" list. Better late than never, but you can bet your ass we will be doing this sooner with our next kid.

I love this little boy's personality, he is so funny and full of energy, has the biggest cheesy smile and keeps me running and laughing all day. He is turning into such a little boy! He is rough and tough and loves to destroy toy towers and ram his walk behind toy into the wall. I love this age, part of me wants him to stay this little forever, but I just love watching him grow and learn every day.
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