Lucas turned 9 months old on September 30th, not a ton has changed since I wrote his 8 month update but I like keeping track of the little things.
At Luke's 9 month Dr. appt he weighed 18 pounds and was 27.5 inches long, he is getting so big! Our Dr. also gave us the go ahead to start giving Luke small soft pieces of what we eat, so far he has just had cheese, lunch meat, kiwi, and a few other fruits. I'm just easing myself in because I am honestly just nervous to give him much when it is just him and I at home.
Luke still isn't walking but he is getting so so close! He can now stand up without holding on to anything, he kind of does downward dog then stands, it's pretty funny to watch. We have a little push around walker for Luke and he has recently been pushing it up against the couch and climbing up the front of it, he is absolutely all over the place! He has been saying "dada" for a few weeks now but over this week he has started to say "mama", which I LOVE! Even though I know it's just sounds to him at this point, it makes me feel so good every time he says it, he's so sweet.
Luke has been getting really good at waving when we say "hi" and "bye" and every once in a while when Luke hears Zack's truck start in the morning to go to work he will turn and wave at the door, I don't know why... he started doing it on his own, it's pretty funny.
Fall is in full swing here and I love it! Alaska doesn't really have the greatest falls, they are really short and this year we have had tons of rain, but it is my favorite time of year so I try to soak up every bit of it while it lasts. The weather has cleared up this week so Luke and I have gotten out and taken a few walks.
This week I realized that I am totally one of those moms that constantly tells stories to anyone that will listen about how awesome my kid is, and these stories almost always include pictures. Oh well... #momlife
This week I realized that I am totally one of those moms that constantly tells stories to anyone that will listen about how awesome my kid is, and these stories almost always include pictures. Oh well... #momlife

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