I love this time of year! Cool fall weather, fun decorations, pumpkin spice, costumes, and of course, carving a pumpkin. If you know me at all, you know that I am absolutely addicted to Pinterest, I mean, who isn't... amiright. Anyway... I went to Pinterest for some fun fall activities for babies who are not yet old enough to paint or carve a pumpkin and I found the idea to pre-carve a pumpkin, scoop out the seeds and slime and put it into a gallon zip-lock bag so baby can safely play with the pumpkin guts. Genius! Luke was all about his bag of pumpkin guts for approximately 3 minutes, so we moved on.

I am always on the search for a hilarious picture to take of Luke, so of course I am going to cut holes in the pumpkin and make him sit in there for 10 minutes while I try to take a picture fast enough to keep him from trying to eat the edge of the pumpkin. We took quite a few pictures, got a few pretty cute ones of just him and a few with all three of us, none of them Pinterest quality, but good enough for me! "I'm more of a capture the memory" kind of girl rather than a "I have to have the perfect picture" kind of girl.
On another note, I love reading Luke books, even if he is crawling around and playing and not really paying attention. I have found a few really cute halloween themed books and have been pretty much reading them on repeat this month.

My parents get home on Saturday morning, Halloween!! So we are all going to the airport in our costumes to pick them up, I can't wait! Another post will be coming soon with all of our halloween fun.
Happy Halloween!