I cannot believe my little baby Lucas is six months old already! It is so fun and exciting to watch him grow and learn but part of me wishes he was still a tiny little baby who just wants to lay on my chest and sleep.
Today Luke had his six month well child appointment, he is 15.9 pounds and 26 inches long and had to get two shots. I hate when he has to get shots but he actually did pretty well this time around (aside from the mean stink eye he gave the nurse when she came at him with shot number two), he only cried for a few minutes. He hasn't gained much weight since his last appointment but he still doesn't want much to do with food. I think we have him figured out though, he doesn't like being fed, he wants to do it himself. Our Dr. gave us a few ideas to try and get him to start feeding himself, I am excited to try it out. I just have an independent kid.
When I was pregnant with Luke he was all scrunched up on the right side of my belly with his head up under my ribs, and he was in that position for the better part of the pregnancy. When he was born our Dr. told us that because of the position he was in, he had torticollis, which just means his neck muscles are really tight on one side and he has a hard time turning his head to one side. She told us that if it hadn't fixed itself by the time he was six months old he would need physical therapy, it has gotten better, but its not completely fixed so we are looking into physical therapy to correct it.
Aside from Luke's Dr. appointment, he is really starting to become more mobile. He can roll back to front and front to back in both directions, he is starting to be able to sit by himself for longer periods of time, and he is starting to scoot a little bit. I know he is going to be crawling really soon and it has me thinking about baby proofing. He is always into everything so I just know its game over when he starts moving around on his own. I really think he is going to be a much happier kid once he can crawl, he just loves to move.
Kisses from my sweet baby boy
Aside from Luke's Dr. appointment, he is really starting to become more mobile. He can roll back to front and front to back in both directions, he is starting to be able to sit by himself for longer periods of time, and he is starting to scoot a little bit. I know he is going to be crawling really soon and it has me thinking about baby proofing. He is always into everything so I just know its game over when he starts moving around on his own. I really think he is going to be a much happier kid once he can crawl, he just loves to move.
Luke's Favorites:
Being outside
Being carried in the Ergo 360 facing out
His Sophie Giraffe Teether
Bath Time
Being Naked
Petting our dog, Rowdy

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