When Lucas was 4 months old our Dr. told us we could start feeding him some baby cereal and slowly add in some fruit and veggie purees, I was stoked! For about a week and a half Luke ate baby oatmeal once a day and loved it, I planned on adding a second feeding at the two week mark, but one day, Luke just decided that he wanted nothing to do with food. I wasn't super worried, our Dr. had said that at 4 months, it wasn't super important that he got solid food, it was just practice to get him used to eating off a spoon, he was still getting most of his calories from breast milk. I still tried to feed him oatmeal two or three times a week but he never ate more than a spoonful, and usually it was by accident and he would spit it out. Looking back, I think the reason Luke stopped eating his oatmeal is because I fed him some sweet potato about a week in and he ate it fine, but later that night he threw it all up and I think he just was just like "Nope! Not doing that again."
Fast forward to Luke's 6 month appointment, Luke had dropped from the 50th percentile to the 20th percentile for weight, I kind of panicked a little... even though our Dr. told me it was fine, just that breast milk was not enough calories anymore, I need to start sitting down three times a day and at least try to get Luke to eat. For the first week or so he still didn't want to eat any food. I tried mixing fruit puree with oatmeal, putting avocado in the mesh fresh food teether, and finally I froze some fruit puree with a spoon the the container to make a popsicle. The popsicle is what ended up breaking the ice, I think he liked having the control to feed himself. After the popsicle, I cooked a sweet potato and mashed it up and he ate almost the whole thing and from then on, all of a sudden, it seemed like he liked everything!
I feed Luke mostly Plum Organics pouches and a few kinds of Beech Nut Organic jar food. The reason I chose these brands is because there is a very simple ingredient list. There are not a ton of gross preservatives and dyes and additives, they literally say "pureed sweet potato and water." I also recently made some of my own baby food, I started with sweet potato and honey-nut squash, they turned out pretty well, Luke eats them with no problem. I want to find some more recipes and make my own food more often, I had fun with it.
Luke's Typical "Menu"
Breakfast: Fruit puree mixed with oatmeal
Lunch: Fruit and veggie Puree, something like Sweet potato and pear
Snack: Cereal puffs or yogurt drops
Dinner: Veggie puree
Snack: Cereal puffs or yogurt drops
I also still breastfeed 5 or 6 times during the day, usually right when he wakes up then after each meal and right before bed. I really don't have a set schedule for breastfeeding, if Luke wants to breastfeed, I let him, I want him to have as many calories as possible.
And now... a thousand pictures of Lucas eating!

Luke loves when Zack feeds him! He is always smiling and laughing.

I couldn't resist! His feet always look so cute when he sits in his high chair!