We found out I was pregnant in the end of April 2014. We had been trying for a couple months but we were still surprised and really excited when we found out. I took a pregnancy test really early one morning and I barely sat the test down before it showed an unmistakeable positive result. So I, being the impatient person I am, ran in the bedroom and woke Zack up to tell him and of course, he was really excited.
The first trimester really felt like it was never going pass at the time, but of course looking back now it was a whirlwind. Right after I found out I was pregnant we sold our house and moved in with my parents. We had been slowly working on building a new house but we were not in a big hurry since we were having a hard time selling our current house, so when it sold, we kicked the building into high gear.
My symptoms for the first twelve weeks of pregnancy stayed pretty much consistent so instead of documenting every week, I combined the first trimester.
How far along? 1-12 weeks
Weight gain: I did not gain any weight in the first trimester, I was slightly above my normal weight when I got pregnant.
Maternity clothes: I bought a few shirts but I was still in my regular clothes during the first twelve weeks.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep was really good. I was always tired and most of the time I would need to take a short nap when I got home from work to be able to get through the rest of the day.
Best moment this week? During the first trimester I had a few scary weeks so I was in and out of my (amazing) Dr.'s office a ton. Every time I went in, she would do an ultrasound to check on baby. It was so nice to be able to go in and see his little heartbeat and get reassurance from her.
Movement? I didn't feel any movement those first twelve weeks.
Cravings? I think it was the week before I found out I was pregnant, Zack and I went out to dinner and I got a cheeseburger, it was weird because I don't usually like red meat at all. For the first few weeks I really ate quite a bit of red meat, but then, like a light switch, I couldn't stand it again.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Red meat.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Miss anything? Nothing yet.
I love the chalkboard fad! They are so fun so I jumped on the wagon and did weekly chalkboards.

You may have noticed that I spelled January wrong on my first chalkboard, go me! Would it be too early in pregnancy to claim pregnancy brain? Yes? I thought so...
This ultrasound is at 11 weeks, I love it because you can see his little nose and it looks like he is laying in a little heart!
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