Holy cow! It has been forever since I have written, I miss it!
We have been really busy lately with so many things. Luke is loving summer, he loves being outside so much and absolutely has a meltdown when it is time to go in for pesky things like bathing and sleeping. We have been spending lots of time at the park, in the yard, and going on bike rides and going through a TON of sunscreen.
Zack is working hard but tries to get off work early when he can so we can take Luke to do something fun. Luke loves to hang in the shop with Zack and "help," go for bike rides, and stay up late for music in the park. I have been busy with Rodan + Fields, working in my parents office, and finding new things to do with Luke.

Luke is 18 months old! Yes. You read that right, 18 months. OMG! WHY!?
So what is up with Luke? He hates eating, loves Rowdy, hates diaper changes, loves rides on anything motorized. He is a typical boy, dirt, dogs, trucks, and outside and he is a happy kid.
He is an absolute tornado! He runs everywhere he goes, has split his lip open more times than I can count, and always has scrapes and bruises on his legs, but he sleeps like a rock when bedtime rolls around. Speaking of bedtime, he's still in bed with Zack and I most of the time, because...whatever, we all like to sleep, so theres that... We did have him sleep trained, but then he got really sick so I started bringing him into bed so I could keep a closer eye on him, aaaaand now were screwed.
He is an absolute tornado! He runs everywhere he goes, has split his lip open more times than I can count, and always has scrapes and bruises on his legs, but he sleeps like a rock when bedtime rolls around. Speaking of bedtime, he's still in bed with Zack and I most of the time, because...whatever, we all like to sleep, so theres that... We did have him sleep trained, but then he got really sick so I started bringing him into bed so I could keep a closer eye on him, aaaaand now were screwed.

As far as milestones go, Luke hasn't hit many lately, except for talking. It took him forever to start talking, but once he said his first word, (which was "bubbles" by the way, how freaking cute is that?!) he took off. Words he says regularly are:
Papa (My dad)
Nana (My mom)
RaRa (Rowdy)
Mil (Milk)
BaBa (Bottle)
Papa is his favorite person for sure, every time Papa walks into the room, drives in the driveway, or he hears a big truck drive by, he drops whatever he is doing and runs around saying "Papa? Papa? Papa?" I may be just the slightest bit jealous...

This has been such a fun summer! The weather has been amazing and Luke is at such a fun age to take him and do fun stuff. He just loves to go go go!