Oh how this little boy of mine has changed so much over the past month! I can't even believe the amount of new skills he all of a sudden just knows how to do. He loves to clap when we say "yay!", walk around furniture, and tries to play with Rowdy.
Lucas is now fully crawling and let me tell you, he is quick! I called it from the beginning, he is so much happier now that he can get where he wants to go on his own. He loves to chase our dog, Rowdy, around and he thinks it is really funny when Rowdy jumps up and runs to the couch and sits just out of reach.
Zack and I are pretty sure Luke is going to start walking in the next couple months. I almost hate to say that because I don't want my baby to be able to run away from my cuddles! Seriously though... I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Luke can pull himself up on anything then he lets go and stands on his own for a few seconds and looks back at us with the biggest smile, then very slowly sits down, my sister calls it "ass to grass, the perfect squat form." The kid is strong! He has also mastered walking along the furniture. We usually keep Luke confined to the living room because we have stairs going upstairs and downstairs, but I was sitting with him on the stairs one day and I sat him down and he just started hauling ass up the stairs like he had done it every day of his life! I was a little shocked at how fast he made it up ten steps and when he made it to the top he looked back and he just looked so proud of himself.
Luke is always making new faces and cracking us up but his newest, most hilarious face is his "turtle face," oh my gosh! I don't know where this face came from, but we laugh so hard every time he makes it. He also has the most adorable baby belly laugh I have ever heard.
So a few months ago I thought for sure Lucas was getting his bottom teeth, well, he wasn't. But a couple weeks ago he finally got his two bottom teeth and I have to say, he handled it like a champ. I never really noticed him being extra cranky, he just took longer naps and breastfed slightly more often.

Lucas is now fully crawling and let me tell you, he is quick! I called it from the beginning, he is so much happier now that he can get where he wants to go on his own. He loves to chase our dog, Rowdy, around and he thinks it is really funny when Rowdy jumps up and runs to the couch and sits just out of reach.
Zack and I are pretty sure Luke is going to start walking in the next couple months. I almost hate to say that because I don't want my baby to be able to run away from my cuddles! Seriously though... I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Luke can pull himself up on anything then he lets go and stands on his own for a few seconds and looks back at us with the biggest smile, then very slowly sits down, my sister calls it "ass to grass, the perfect squat form." The kid is strong! He has also mastered walking along the furniture. We usually keep Luke confined to the living room because we have stairs going upstairs and downstairs, but I was sitting with him on the stairs one day and I sat him down and he just started hauling ass up the stairs like he had done it every day of his life! I was a little shocked at how fast he made it up ten steps and when he made it to the top he looked back and he just looked so proud of himself.
Luke is always making new faces and cracking us up but his newest, most hilarious face is his "turtle face," oh my gosh! I don't know where this face came from, but we laugh so hard every time he makes it. He also has the most adorable baby belly laugh I have ever heard.
So a few months ago I thought for sure Lucas was getting his bottom teeth, well, he wasn't. But a couple weeks ago he finally got his two bottom teeth and I have to say, he handled it like a champ. I never really noticed him being extra cranky, he just took longer naps and breastfed slightly more often.

Poor Rowdy doesn't stand a chance, but he is so sweet and patient with Lucas.
Hello turtle face!

Up those stairs!