Luke has been army crawling around for a few weeks now and actually moves really fast but last week he actually started crawling on his hands and knees! Time to go baby gate shopping. He is such a happy boy, you can just tell that he is so proud of himself. We will put him on the floor and he will take off across the room and look back at us and just start laughing. Since he can get where he wants to go by himself now I have found myself extra busy because of course, he is now tired of all his toys, instead he thinks chords and the vacuum are the best! He has been keeping Zack and I (and Rowdy) on our toes these past few weeks.
Along with crawling, Luke has been sitting on his own like a champ and has started to pull himself up to stand. I was so not prepared for all of these milestones to happen at once! It amazes me that he just knows how to do these things, he is such a big boy!
Along with crawling, Luke has been sitting on his own like a champ and has started to pull himself up to stand. I was so not prepared for all of these milestones to happen at once! It amazes me that he just knows how to do these things, he is such a big boy!
Zack and I have started to use some baby sign language from This Book here and there with Luke so he can start to communicate a little better with us. We try to be really consistent but neither one of us knows sign language so it just doesn't come naturally to us. Luke thinks it is hilarious every time we sign anything, especially when we say "no" and do the sign, we may be in some trouble...
Luke is 7 months and I am absolutely loving this age! I can sit on the floor and play and read books and interact with him and I feel like he is actually getting into it, for a few minutes anyway. He is generally in a good mood, loves to eat, and of course loves to move around and be outside. I am hoping for a mild winter so we can take Luke outside to play a lot.